论文 1. Xiaolong Song,Chenglong Zhang, Wenyi Yuan, et al. Life-cycle energy use and GHG emissionsof waste televisiontreatment system inChina. Resources, Conservation & Recycling,2018, 128: 470-478. 2. Xiaolong Song, Jingwei Wang, Jianxin Yang, et al. An updated review and conceptual model for optimizing WEEE management in China from a life cycle perspective, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(5): 1-12. 3. Xiaolong Song, Jianxin Yang, Bin Lu, et al. From centralized disassembly to life cycle management: status and progress of e-waste treatment system in China. IOP: Earth and Environmental Science, 2017, 51: 1-7. 4. Xiaolong Song, Jianxin Yang, Bin Lu,et al. Identification and assessment of environmental burdens of Chinese copper production from a life cycle perspective. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2014, 8(4): 580-588. 5. Xiaolong Song, Jianxin Yang, Jingwei Wang, et al. Assessing the life cycle environmental and economic performance of copper slag recycling. Advanced Materials Research, 2014, 878: 219-225. 6. Xiaolong Song, Jianxin Yang, Bin Lu, et al. Exploring the life cycle management of industrial solid waste in the case of copper slag. Waste Management & Research, 2013, 31(6): 625-633. 7. Xiaolong Song,Jianxin Yang, Bin Lu. Industrial solid waste hierarchy: A case study on life cycle management of copper slag. CRETE 2012: The Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Industrial and Hazardous Waste Management. Crete, Greece. 2012: 144-146. 8. Hui Yang,Xiaolong Song*, Xihua Zhang, et al. Uncovering the in-use metal stocks and implied recycling potential in electric vehicle batteries considering cascaded use: A case study of China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2021, 28(33), 45867-45878. 9. Jiawen Li,Xiaolong Song*, Dong Yang, et al. Simulating the interprovincial movements of waste mobile phones in China based on the current disassembly capacity. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 244: 1-10. 10. Bin Lu,Xiaolong Song, Jianxin Yang, et al. Comparison on End-of-Life strategies of WEEE in China based on LCA. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(5): 7. 11. Bo Li, Jianxin Yang, Bin Lu,Xiaolong Song. Estimation of retired mobile phones generation in China: A comparative study on methodology. Waste Management, 2015, 35: 247-254. 12. Bo Li, Jianxin Yang,Xiaolong Song, et al. Survey on disposal behaviour and awareness of mobile phones in Chinese university students. Procedia Environmental Sciences, 2012, 16: 469-476. 13. 宋小龙,李博,吕彬,等.废弃手机回收处理系统生命周期能耗与碳足迹分析.中国环境科学,2017,37(6):2393-2400. 14. 宋小龙,王景伟,杨建新,等.电子废弃物生命周期管理:需求、策略及展望.生态经济,2016,32(1):105-110. 15. 宋小龙,王景伟,吕彬,等.电子废弃物资源化全生命周期碳减排效益评估.环境工程学报,2015,9(7):3448-3454. 16. 宋小龙,吴雯杰,杨建新,等.工业固体废物环境管理模式及研究进展.上海第二工业大学学报,2015,32(1):12-18. 17. 宋小龙,杨建新,刘晶茹.高炉渣资源化生产绿色建材的环境效益评估——基于生命周期的视角.中国人口资源与环境,2012,22(4):51-55. 18. 宋小龙,徐成,杨建新,等.工业固体废物生命周期管理方法及案例分析.中国环境科学,2011,31(6):1051-1056. 19. 宋小龙,徐成,杨建新,等.生命周期管理研究现状与展望.生态经济,2010,(3):47-51. 20. 李嘉文,宋小龙*,赵迪.基于LCA的废弃手机资源化有效运输范围量化研究.中国环境科学,2019,39(2):698-705. 21. 赵迪,宋小龙*,杨东,李嘉文.电子废弃物回收处理系统环境绩效评估方法及应用.生态经济,2020,36(5):182-187. 22. 庄绪宁,宋小龙,白建峰,等.我国废弃液晶显示器产生量预测及管理策略分析.环境工程技术学报,2014,4(6):489-495. 23. 吕彬,宋小龙,吴雯杰,等.基于LCC的废弃CRT电视机污染控制成本分析.生态经济,2016, 32(7):100-105. 24. 李博,杨建新,吕彬,宋小龙.废弃电器电子产品产生量估算:方法综述与选择策略.生态学报,2015,35(24):7965-7973. 25. 李博,杨建新,吕彬,宋小龙.中国废旧手机产生量时空分布研究.环境科学学报,2015, 35(12):4095-4101. 26. 吕彬,杨建新,宋小龙.生命周期社会影响评价及其在电子废物管理中的应用.中国人口资源与环境,2010,20(专):217-221. 专著 1. 杨建新,宋小龙,徐成,等.工业固体废物生命周期管理方法与实践.北京:中国环境出版社,2014. 2. Xiaolong Song, Bin Lu, Wenjie Wu. Electronic Waste Management and Treatment Technology. Chapter 13: Environmental Management of E-waste in China. Elsevier, 2019. 专利 1. 宋小龙,黄庆,白建峰,王景伟.一种电子废弃物资源化特征信息演示方法及系统.专利号:201910326336.X 2. 宋小龙,杨惠,赵迪,李建西.一种考虑梯次利用的动力电池资源存量计算方法.专利号:201911092987.3 3. 宋小龙,余飞齐.电脑的应用软件界面(电子废弃物数据分析与演示系统).专利号:ZL201730495719.1 4. 宋小龙,白建峰,余飞齐.典型电子废弃物回收处理碳减排效益模拟计算器.登记号:2017SR683045 5. 宋小龙,王景伟,白建峰,等.电子废弃物生命周期信息数据库系统.登记号:2016SR188431 |