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陈胜文(Chen Shengwen)
发布日期:2021-07-31 06:58:30   发布人:马恩



姓名:陈胜文(Chen Shengwen







1.      环境功能材料的合成及应用研究方向

2.      污染物的环境行为及去除



003.03-2006.03浙江大学 博士

2014.01-2015.01 Oregon Health and Science University高级访问学者

2018.09-2018.11 Queensland University of Technology高级访问学者



《大气污染控制工程》、《环境化学》、《物理性污染控制》《Environmental Technology




1.      Chang, F.; Li, S.; Shi, Z.; Qi, Y.; Liu, D.; Liu, X.;Chen, S. Boosted Photocatalytic NO Removal Performance by S-Scheme Hierarchical Composites WO3/Bi4O5Br2 Prepared through a Facile Ball-Milling Protocol. Sep. Purif. Technol. 2022, 278, 119662. 

2.      Qi, Y.; Chang, F.; Wang, Y.; Zhang, T.; Liu, X.;Chen, S. Bi4O5Br2-Based Binary Composites: Facile Fabrication, Characterization, and Enhanced Photocatalytic Performance over NO Removal. Mater. Sci. Semicond. Process. 2021, 129 (March), 105788. 

3.      Chen, S.; Li, M.; Wu, Y.; Wang, Y. Activated Carbon Fiber-Supported Nano Zero-Valent Iron on Cr(VI) Removal. IOP Conf. Ser. Earth Environ. Sci. 2021, 675 (1). 

4.      Wei, L.; Zhang, Y.;Chen, S.; Zhu, L.; Liu, X.; Kong, L.; Wang, L. Synthesis of NitrogenDoped Carbon Nanotubes-FePO4 Composite from Phosphate Residue and Its Application as Effective Fenton-like Catalyst for Dye Degradation. J. Environ. Sci. (China) 2019, 76, 188–198. 

5.      Tang Baoling; Li, M.; Wang, L.;Chen, S. Removal of High Concentration Chloride Ion in an Aqueous Solution with Two Stage Precipitation of Friedel’s Salt. Proceedings of the 2018 7th International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Environment Engineering (ICSEEE 2018). Shengzhen 2019. 

6.      LI Shuo;Chen, S.; Ma, C. Removal of Chromium by Modified Nano Zero Valent Iron Supported on Carbon. International Conference on Biological Engineering and Pharmacy (BEP 2016). Atlantis Press 2016, p 4.

7.      Fan, D.;Chen, S.; Johnson, R. L.; Tratnyek, P. G. Field Deployable Chemical Redox Probe for Quantitative Characterization of Carboxymethylcellulose Modified Nano Zerovalent Iron. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2015, 49 (17), 10589–10597.

8.      Chen, S.W., D. Fan, and P.G. Tratnyek, Novel Contaminant Transformation Pathways by Abiotic Reductants. Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2014. 1(10): 432-436.

9.      Ye, J.,Chen, S.W. et al., Enantioselective changes in oxidative stress and toxin release in Microcystis aeruginosa exposed to chiral herbicide diclofop acid. Aquatic Toxicology, 2014. 146(0): 12-19.

10.   Zhang, H.H.,Chen, S.W., Zhou, S. S., Enantiomeric Separation and Toxicity of an Organophosporus Insecticide, Pyraclofos. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry,

2012. 60(28): p. 6953-6959.

11.   Qin, M.M., Yang, H. F.Chen, S. W., Xie, H. Y., Guan, J., Photochemical Characteristics of Diclofenac and Its Photodegradation of Inclusion Complexes with Beta Cyclodextrins. Quimica Nova, 2012. 35(3): p. 559-562.

12.   Chen, S.W., Qin, M. M.,Yang, H. F., Xie, H. Y., Guan, J., Direct synthesis and catalytic activity of ordered large pore titanium-substituted spherical SBA-15 molecular sieves. Reaction Kinetics Mechanisms and Catalysis, 2012. 106(1): p. 245-256.

13.   Chen, S. W., Qin, M; Yang, H; Xie, H, Direct synthesis and characterization of Ti-SBA-15 with different Ti precursors. Advanced Materials Research, 2012. 508: p. 4.

14.   Chen, S.W.and W.P. Liu, Enantioselective Degradation of Metalaxyl in Anaerobic Activated Sewage Sludge. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2009. 82(3): p. 327-331.

15.   Xu, C.,Chen, S.W., et al., Enantioselectivity in zebrafish embryo toxicity of the insecticide acetofenate. Chemical Research in Toxicology, 2008. 21(5): p. 1050-1055.

16.   Chen, S.W.and W.P. Liu, Toxicity of Chiral Pesticide Rac-Metalaxyl and R-Metalaxyl to Daphnia magna. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2008. 81(6): p. 531-534.


1.      陈胜文李盟 王彦云 王利军,一种抗氧化型微米硫化零价铁材料及其制备方法,中国发明专利,专利号:202010856387.6

2.      陈胜文 唐宝玲 李盟 王利军,一种着色探伤废水的处理试剂和方法,中国发明专利,专利号:2019823312509



1.      海盐兴余化工有限公司 一种金属表面剂配方及生产工艺开发2020  20      

2.      浙江新化化工有限公司 催化剂环保再生及高值化工艺开发   2019  150

3.      嘉兴净源环保有限公司 磷化渣的资源化处理2017  100

4.      上海电子废弃物资源化产学研合作开发中心典型电子垃圾拆解区得克隆的污染水平及生物有效性、2015  6

5.      国家自然科学基金 长三角毗邻海域有机氯农药的时空分布、污染趋势及生态风险、2014  46

6.      国家自然科学基金项目 持久性有毒有机物的环境过程毒理效应及其对映体选择性、2012  200

7.      上海市教委创新基金 手性SBA-15制备表征及应用2008  6

