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陈帅(Chen Shuai)
发布日期:2021-06-28 06:55:40   发布人:马恩



姓名:陈帅(Chen Shuai











获批教育部中国-中东欧国家合作项目、国家留学基金委博士后研究项目、上海市外国专家合作项目、上海市高校智库内涵建设计划项目、校基金、省重点实验室开放课题等8项,参与国家级、省部级等各类纵向课题8项。在Chemical Engineering JournalChemosphereJournal of EnvironmentalManagementEnvironmental Science and Pollution ResearchJOM等期刊以第一或通讯作者发表论文20篇,编写英文教材1章。申请发明专利6(已授权4)。目前担任Chemical Engineering JournalJournal of EnvironmentalManagementEnvironmental Geochemistry and Health等期刊审稿人。






l 代表性论文:

1. Gao G, Li Z,ChenS*, Belver C; Lin D; Li Z; Guan J; Guo Y; Bedia J, Synthesis of zero-valentiron supported with graphite and plastic based carbon from recycling spentlithium ion batteries and its reaction mechanism with 4-chlorophenol in water.Journal of Environmental Management 2023; 325:116490.

2.Chen S; LinD; Gao G; Guan J; Belver C; Bedia J. Sources, Aging, and Management of CoastalPlastics in Shanghai. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 2022; 233(11):437.

3.Chen S; LongF; Gao G; Belver C; Li Z; Li Z; Guan J; Guo Y; Bedia J; Zero-valent iron-copperbimetallic catalyst supported on graphite from spent lithium-ion battery anodesand mill scale waste for the degradation of 4-chlorophenol in aqueous phase,Separation and Purification Technology, 2022, 286, 120466.

4. Guan J; Li Z;ChenS*; Gu W; Zero-valent iron supported on expanded graphite from spentlithium-ion battery anodes and ferric chloride for the degradation of 4-chlorophenolin water, Chemosphere, 2021, 290, 133381.

5.Chen S; GuanJ*; Yuan H; Wu H; Gu W; Gao G; Guo Y; Dai J; Su R; Extraction behavior andmechanism of indium from waste liquid crystal display panels withmicrowave-assisted chlorination metallurgy, JOM: The Journal of The Minerals,Metals & Materials Society (TMS), 2021, 73: 1290–1300.

6. Guan C; Tao Y;ChenS*; Zhu J; Gao X; Synthesis of glass fiber sphere using waste printedcircuit board to support MIL-100(Fe) for dye adsorption in water, EnvironmentalScience & Pollution Research, 2021, 28: 46281–46290.

7.Chen S; LiZ; Belver C; Gao G; Guan J; Guo Y; Li H*; Ma J; Bedia J*; Wójtowicz P;Comparison of the behavior of ZVI/carbon composites from both commercial originand from spent Li-ion batteries and mill scale for the removal of ibuprofen inwater, Journal of Environmental Management, 2020, 264: 110480.

8.Chen S;Bedia J; Li H*; Ren L; Naluswata F; Belver C*; Nanoscale zero-valentiron@mesoporous hydrated silica core-shell particles with enhanced dispersibility,transportability and degradation of chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons,Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 343: 619-628.

9.Chen S;Belver C; Li H*; Ren L; Liu Y; Bedia J; Gao G; Guan J; Effects of pH value andcalcium hardness on the removal of 1,1,1-trichloroethane by immobilizednanoscale zero-valent iron on silica based supports, Chemosphere, 2018, 211:102-111.

10. Yang J#;Chen S#;Li H*; Dewatering sewage sludge by a combination of hydrogen peroxide, jutefiber wastes and cationic polyacrylamide, International Biodeterioration &Biodegradation, 2018, 128:78-84.

l 专利:

1.一种在回收废旧锂电池负极过程中防止杂质金属析出的方法,授权, ZL202110046035.9,排名第一.

2.一种H2O2供氧降解地下水中氯代烃的菌剂及应用,授权, ZL201610254805.8,排名第四.

3.一种处理高盐含酚废水的活性污泥及应用,授权, ZL201511008520.8,排名第五.

4.絮凝调理剂耦合超声氧化的污泥脱水方法,授权, ZL201511008788.1,排名第五.

l 著作:

1.Nanoscience:Nanomaterial Nanotechnology Applications. Chapter 11: Nanotechnologies for theRecycling of Spent LIBs. 2019, 289-308. Engineered Science Publisher, USA.




1.    教育部中国-中东欧国家合作项目(2022192):餐厨垃圾与铁鳞共热解规模化构建零价铁/生物炭降解水中氯酚, 2023.03-2025.02,主持.

2.   安徽省纳米碳基材料与环境健康国际联合研究中心开放基金(NCMEH2022Y02):纳米零价铁-/石墨规模化制备及降解地下水中氯代烃机理, 2022.08-2024.07, 3万元,主持.

3.    海市外国专家合作项目(21WZ2501500):废旧钴酸锂电池全组分定向转化工艺研究, 2021.01-2021.12, 15万元,主持.

4.   家留学基金委博士后研究项目(202008310005):碳材料构建及还原性调控, 2021.07-2022.06,主持.

5.   上海市教委高校智库内涵建设计划项目(20ZKNH098):上海市海洋塑料垃圾分布与来源分析, 2020.01-2020.12, 9万元,主持.



1.上海市市属高校新入职教师培训优秀学员, 2019.

2.上海第二工业大学青年教师教学比赛二等奖, 2019.

3.指导学生获全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛三等奖, 2021.




